Our utility audit service is aimed at identifying savings in the following sectors Energy, Water & Wastewater and Commercial waste management.After identifying the full range of savings available to your business, a utility watch consultant will produce a cost saving report for your organisation detailing areas such as purchasing, optimum requirements, metering accuracy, usage, overpayments and billing.
100% of our clients have saved on energy costs with Utility Watch, Call us on 0800 043 8248 orGet Quote
- Assess business costs and consumption
- Identify and report on opportunities for savings
- Create a cost reduction strategy
- Implement cost reduction strategy
- Provide performance reports
- Continue to assess performance
- Identify consumption patterns and problems
- Consumption forecast and analysis
- Cost to profit analysis
- Eradicate estimated bills/inaccurate bills
- Meter installations/removals
- Meter energising /de-energising
- Web access real time consumption reporting
- Meter type tariff assessment
- Invoice validation
- Secure future contracts (see above)
- Contractual dispute resolution
- VAT and CCL applications

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